Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I've never been someone with a lot of friends. I'm have tons of acquaintances, but until very recently, I'm not sure I'd have ever said I have a lot of friends. I've always had a few select ones with whom I'm very close and would do anything for me -- as I would for them.

(Incidentally, recently I've started to gain more people I call friends, and it's all the same group of people and we all met through variants of an online community. And I'm very lucky that I know these people, because they're all the exact type of loyal personality I consider myself to be...)

I was explaining my social situation to someone -- that there are a lot of people I know, but a select few I call 'friends' rather than 'friendly with'. I said that these friends would do anything for me if I ever asked, and I'd never ask...and then I realized something...

These friends have done everything for me, and I never asked. These are the people that kept me company at my darkest, that checked on me as things slowly got better -- or worse, that have no problem with me calling just to say 'hi' and tell the same stupid story I'd told 6 times that day (and had rehearsed to near-perfection in the mere time it took for them to pick up the phone while it was ringing), that put up with my way-too-long-to-have-such-little-content voicemails, that swear under their breath (or above it) when they walk by my ex-girlfriend, and that -- above all else -- care for me as much as I care for them...

All without asking.

And since it's never said enough and there doesn't need to be a specific reason to say it:
Thank you all.

Now all of you go out and thank your friends; they don't need to be thanked, but it's still nice to hear.


  1. I really like this one.. I def agree with the concept in which you write about friends.. And its always nice to feel appreciated therefore.. Thankyou! for writing this amazing log of feelings and acknowledgments :)

  2. PS.. Your Amazing yourself ;)
