Saturday, December 1, 2007

NaBloPoMo recap

Well, I succeeded in National Blog Posting Month.

A recap.

-Days: 30
-Posts: 30
-Total words: 13,343
-Average words per post: Just shy of 445
-Shortest post: 70 words
-Longest Post: 971 Words
-Posts with more than 500 words: 8
-Posts with fewer than 300 words: 3
-Post with the oldest material: From the summer of 2002
-Favorite post: The Bar Scene
-Post that I like a lot partially because it makes me cry a little: Her Birthday
-Best old memory: Rooftop Picnic
-Best new memory: Close your eyes for 30 seconds
-Most likely to hear me actually start spewing with no end in sight when we're actually in the same room together: "Are you, by any chance, Jewish?"
-Post that most exemplifies how strange I tend to be: Tie: Baby, It's Cold Outside; Eating Habits
-References to WGA strike: 4
-Links to Tom, who was trying to beat NaBloPoMo with 60 posts in the month of November: 2 (Hmm...I thought it was more...)
-Number of email subscribers who canceled their email subscription in the month of November: 1
-Number of new subscribers: Um...0
-Number of times I asked someone what to write about: Countless
-Number of times I listened: one-half (Ilana said I should write about her. I didn't write about her, but I addressed her at the end.)

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned; I'm not done writing...but probably taking a few days off.


  1. Correction: I added you as a Bloglines feed this month.

  2. Congratulations! You did it! And to think, back in October you thought you'd bail...
